Heartbeat December 2023 Edition
Charities share $90,000 in first-ever round of grants from Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation.
27 October 2020
The Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation today celebrated a landmark occasion by announcing the nine Australian charities who will share in $90,000 as beneficiaries of its first-ever round of grants.
The announcement is the culmination of two years of preparatory work to establish the Foundation as a new force for good in Australia’s philanthropic landscape.
This first $90,000 round of grants was targeted specifically at charities hit hard by COVID-19, recognising how difficult fund-raising has been for those organisations during the pandemic.
Applications for the inaugural round opened in June and attracted 86 applications. Following a comprehensive selection process that involved a committee of Heritage Bank staff, the Foundation is excited to announce that the nine grants of $10,000 have been awarded to the following beneficiaries:
The Foundation’s Executive Officer Paul Olds thanked every charity who applied for the grant and commended them on the amazing support they provide to the community.
“It was not an easy task to select the successful recipients, as we received applications from so many terrific charities,” Mr Olds said.
“Heritage’s staff selection committee were awesome, they were extremely engaged and invested in the outcome to assist charities who focus on growing stronger communities.
“For our new charity partners, I know the $10,000 grant will provide a much needed financial boost. I am also very excited to see what additional impact can be achieved by engaging with the Heritage Bank community over the next 12 months to help our charity partners achieve their objectives.
“Many of the partners selected provide support across multiple locations in the Heritage footprint. This reach will give us an amazing opportunity to connect with and mobilise the Bank’s 300,000 members, 800 staff and 58 branches to support these critical causes.
“Heritage Bank has an amazing 145-year history of supporting the community. The grants are the Foundation’s first steps towards fulfilling the Bank’s vision of being ‘Passionate about helping People’.”
Heritage Bank Chairman Mr Kerry Betros said awarding the first-ever round of grants from the Foundation was a momentous occasion.
“Heritage Bank is proud of our long history of supporting those in need within our communities. We have established the Foundation as a way to magnify and build that contribution, to become a major force for good in society.
“We are absolutely thrilled that our vision for the Foundation has taken a massive step forward with the announcement of its inaugural grants.”
The Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation was established in 2018 with seed funding of $2 million from Heritage Bank. The Charitable Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people in need throughout our community. The Foundation’s philosophy is to provide support now whilst also building a strong corpus that will benefit and grow stronger communities well into the future. The Foundation is confident this will be the first of many grants it provides to grow stronger communities.
Heritage Bank funds all operational costs of the Foundation, ensuring all donations received and investment income generated is applied to helping those in need, now and into the future.
Learn more about our Partners or find out how you can Support the Foundation today.
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People First Foundation Limited ATF People First Bank Foundation ABN 79 297 317 699. Registered under the Collections Act 1966 (QLD). People First Bank Foundation may be referred to as The Foundation across this website. The Foundation is not an authorised deposit-taking institution and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Heritage and People’s Choice Limited (People First Bank). People First Bank's support of the Foundation is limited to operational costs, donation amounts and in-kind employee and charity partner support.