Heartbeat December 2023 Edition
29 September 2022
I recently attended a Youth Insearch weekend camp (Fri night, Sat and Sun). I’ve wanted to share this incredible experience for a while now, but I’ve struggled to give it justice in writing. Hopefullythis conveys just how special the experience was.
Youth Insearch is one of the Foundation’s charity partners. They run programs that allow young people to help young people. Their aim is to empower those aged 14 to 20 to turn their disadvantages into their advantages, enabling them to reach their full potential. The camps are an important part of their overall program which also includes weekly support groups, leadership training and social work case management.
The camp was held just outside Kilcoy in south-east Queensland. It was your standard school camp set up with cabins, a meeting hall and dining room. It was attended by 22 youth from Dalby, Bundaberg, Chinchilla, Hervey Bay and surrounding areas. The youngest was 14 and the eldest was 18 years old. This camp was facilitated by two Youth Leaders (young adults) who are previous attendees who have undergone extensive leadership training. The Youth Leaders were extremely well supported by two Youth Insearch staff, a psychologist, two social workers and two adult support workers.
You can’t hide from it, the youth who attend these camps are there for a reason. They have all faced significant trauma in their lives - domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, death, severe bullying or extreme social isolation. They are there to support each other and move forward on their journey to reclaiming their potential.
I found many of the topics discussed and the experiences shared by the kids extremely difficult to hear and confronting. In the safe space created, both the participants and the support team courageously shared very personal stories. It would have been very easy for emotions such as anger, shame, frustration and resentment to control the weekend. Thankfully the environment created and the structure of the program didn’t allow that happen. There was time to vent, but the focus was on supporting the participants to move forward. Everyone had each other’s back providing insights, encouragement and reassurance that could only come from personal experiences learnt from dealing with similar situations.
It was very obvious attendees were all at different stages of their journeys. Through the expertise of the facilitators, they were able to interact at a level that supported their needs. Some mainly observed and derived strength from the group, while others communicated with a level of emotional intelligence and self-understanding well beyond their age.
It is impossible to leave an experience like this with without some reflection:
I often say I’m in a very privileged position as I get the opportunity to witness first-hand how our contribution to our charity partners is making a difference.
I sincerely hope this brief overview of my weekend with 22 courageous kids has given you a small glimpse into the power of the Youth Insearch program. I’m very proud that the collective Heritage Bank community, which the Foundation is a part of, has been able to play a role helping Youth Insearch build stronger communities.
Paul Olds
Executive Officer
PHOTO 1: The youth group attending Youth Insearch weekend camp
PHOTO 2: Leisel, Paul and Chloe at the Youth Insearch weekend camp
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People First Foundation Limited ATF People First Bank Foundation ABN 79 297 317 699. Registered under the Collections Act 1966 (QLD). People First Bank Foundation may be referred to as The Foundation across this website. The Foundation is not an authorised deposit-taking institution and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Heritage and People’s Choice Limited (People First Bank). People First Bank's support of the Foundation is limited to operational costs, donation amounts and in-kind employee and charity partner support.