People First Bank Foundation Community at Heart Appeal 2024
We are very excited to launch our third annual Community at Heart Appeal.
The People First Bank Foundation has a history of supporting the communities in which it operates. Under the new brand, and larger organisation we look forward to spreading our philosophy to benefit many more.
The Foundation rebranded to People First Bank Foundation, expanding its reach to cover Victoria, South Australia, Northern Territory.
In addition to our annual grant program, we donated $117,000 to GIVIT to help support those affected by the devastating floods in Queensland and North New South Wales.
We supported 11 charities by donating $89,171.
The COVID-19 Kick Start Grants were announced with $90,000 committed to go to nine eligible charitable organisations impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
The Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation launched and started accepting donations from the public establishing itself as a central location for community members to donate, knowing their funds will be shared with charities in need.
Heritage Bank announced that it would be starting the Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation with a $2 million investment to fund a grants program to assist charities Australia wide.
‘Heritage Building Society became Heritage Bank, but our customer-owned structure and commitment to helping Australians reach their financial goals remained stronger than ever.
Heritage reached the milestone of $5 billion total consolidated assets, guaranteeing our stability to support our community for many years to come.
Heritage Building Society opened its first Community Branch in Crow’s Nest; a branch with a real community focus that shares its profits in the form of Community Grants. Since then, Heritage has opened six more community branches throughout South-East Queensland and combined, they have put over $47 million back into their local communities.
Heritage Building Society held its first annual Heritage Charity Golf Day, a tradition that has gone on to raise over $1 million for charities throughout South East Queensland.
Heritage Building Society began hosting the annual Heritage Photographic Awards to show its support for artists Australia-wide and to capture our combined history through a different perspective.
Heritage Building Society began selecting a historical house each year to feature in a magnificent Calendar House painting. These paintings are printed in an annual calendar which is made available in Heritage Bank branches every year for gold coin donation. This venture has raised over $300,000 to support Queensland charities.
The Toowoomba Permanent and Darling Downs Building society merged to become Heritage Building Society and its customer-owned People first philosophy became the pillar for everything we do.
Darling Downs Building Society was formed to provide additional banking and financial support to the growing Darling Downs community.
The Toowoomba Permanent Building Society was established, setting the scene for us to help our community achieve their dreams for years to come.
People First Bank Foundation Community at Heart Appeal 2024
We are very excited to launch our third annual Community at Heart Appeal.
Generous donation from QBE
Renowned painter donated pieces to support cause
Internationally renowned speed painter Brad Blaze helped raise money for the People First Bank Charitable Foundation.
Our Heroes Day Friday 28 June 2019
We can now accept donations
Our history
The People First Bank Foundation has a history of supporting the communities in which it operates.
Heritage Bank to launch new Charitable Foundation
Heritage Bank will further cement a lasting legacy of community support by launching the new Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation.
People First Foundation Limited ATF People First Bank Foundation ABN 79 297 317 699. Registered under the Collections Act 1966 (QLD). People First Bank Foundation may be referred to as The Foundation across this website. The Foundation is not an authorised deposit-taking institution and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Heritage and People’s Choice Limited (People First Bank). People First Bank's support of the Foundation is limited to operational costs, donation amounts and in-kind employee and charity partner support.