Heartbeat December 2023 Edition
28 June 2023
Applications are now open for almost $40,000 in grants from the Weis Community Fund.
Funded by Unilever and operated by the Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation, the Weis Community Fund was created to allow charities to help build a stronger Darling Downs region.
The Fund continues the legacy left behind by the Weis Ice Cream factory’s 60-year tenure in Toowoomba, where the company had its beginnings.
The grant funding supports programs that lead to employment, innovation, sustainable farming practices and the development of the next generation of local entrepreneurs in the agri-foods sector.
A total of $37,000 is available in this round of grants. How that funding is distributed depends on the potential community benefits of the applications – one or multiple grants could be funded
Charities can apply for grants from $5,000 up to the full $37,000.
Foundation Executive Officer Mr Paul Olds said it’s exciting to still see the Weis brand contributing to the Darling Downs.
“We’re proud to be launching the second round of Weis Community Fund grants. This is a special opportunity for us to work in collaboration with community organisations to fund programs that honour Weis’s legacy by continuing to strengthen the region where it was born,” he said.
“Through the creation of the Weis Community Fund, the Foundation has gratefully accepted the responsibility to ensure the Weis brand continues to be a contributor to the region’s economic development.
“We are truly excited to lead the Fund’s impact on the Darling Downs.”
Eligible not-for-profit organisations can apply via the Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation website here. Full details of eligibility can be found there as well.
Applications for this grant round close at 5pm Friday 29 July 2023.
The Foundation will notify successful recipients in early September 2023.
The Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation was established in 2018 with seed funding of $2 million from Heritage Bank. Since being established, the Foundation has financially supported 36 charities by donating $418,835. The Foundation’s philosophy is to provide support now whilst also building a strong corpus that will benefit and grow stronger communities well into the future.
Heritage Bank funds all operational costs of the Foundation, ensuring all donations received and investment income generated is applied to helping those in need, now and into the future.
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Weis Community Fund offers $37,000 in grant funding
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People First Foundation Limited ATF People First Bank Foundation ABN 79 297 317 699. Registered under the Collections Act 1966 (QLD). People First Bank Foundation may be referred to as The Foundation across this website. The Foundation is not an authorised deposit-taking institution and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Heritage and People’s Choice Limited (People First Bank). People First Bank's support of the Foundation is limited to operational costs, donation amounts and in-kind employee and charity partner support.