Heartbeat December 2023 Edition
A huge thanks to everyone who has supported the Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation this year supporting our vision of growing stronger communities, together.
We are very delighted to report that 2023 was a successful year for both the Foundation and the charities we supported. This year we donated $304,853 to 33 different charities. This is a $188,608 increase on last year. The supported charities did an amazing job maximising the impact of this funding to assist thousands of Australians in need of support.
In this edition:
We are proud to acknowledge the outstanding achievements of our five charity partners. As part of our support of these amazing organisations, we believe it is imperative we highlight their commitment and contribution to the community. Oftentimes, the important work they do flies under the radar, but they thoroughly deserve recognition for their unwavering dedication to supporting vulnerable members of our society.
View the 2023 Impact Report (PDF)
The Heritage and People’s Choice team again leapt at the chance to contribute to our charity partners through volunteering, fundraising, and creating additional awareness.
Volunteering Hours: 220
Workplace Giving Donations: $26,444
Community at Heart Appeal and Awareness Days
PHOTO: Business of Beef fundraising lunch speakers & attendees
The Foundation now has four Sub-Funds that play an important role in allowing to us to support even more people: Alpine Community Project, Weis Community Fund, The Clewley Campbell Community Fund and Women and Change Fund. This year, these Sub-Funds contributed $144,320 to support nine charities.
This year we welcomed the Women and Change Fund to the Foundation. Women and Change was established by six Queensland women in 2014, with the goal of creating an empowering community for women to experience giving with impact. Membership has now grown to over 100 women, with over $700,000 donated to rigorously selected charitable projects helping Queenslanders in need.
The Foundation is reliant on the generosity of the entire Heritage and People’s Choice community to be able to support the impact of our dedicated charity partners.
We would like to acknowledge the generosity from the bank, its members, business partners and staff for being on our team. You have run, walked, lunched, tested your trivia knowledge, and sponsored all in the name of helping our charity partners to support people in need.
The Foundation is forever grateful to have you championing our cause.
Our future is bright and exciting. In early 2024, we will be working towards a re-brand to People First Bank Foundation, to match the new name of the bank. The merger has been extremely positive for the Foundation and has already allowed us to have a more national focus.
We can’t wait to start working closely with our amazing six new charity partners for 2024:
These charities do outstanding work in their communities and represent areas across Heritage and People’s Choice physical footprint. These grants will provide much-needed support to help them continue their important work in our community. Watch the heartwarming video showing the moments they found out they were receiving grants here.
Again, on behalf of our team, thank you for your support. Your generosity has, and will, continue to positively change the trajectory of many lives.
Have a safe and merry festive season. We look forward to working with you for many years to come.
Paul Olds
Executive Officer
Heartbeat December 2023 Edition
Six Aussie charities share in $137,000
Six Aussie charities share in $137,000 in funding from latest round of grants from the People First Bank Charitable Foundation.
Fourth grant round opens with $137,000 on offer
The People First Bank Charitable Foundation offered a massive total of $137,000 in funding for eligible charities for this round, including one new grant worth $50,000.
Weis Community Fund makes a lasting leadership impact
Our 2023 Community At Heart Appeal begins on 10 July
Weis Community Fund offers $37,000 in grant funding
The People First Bank Charitable Foundation invited applications for the Weis Community Fund.
Heartbeat March 2023 Edition
Our Annual Review for 2021/2022
Women & Change finds new home
People First Bank Charitable Foundation supported Women & Change – Queensland’s original giving circle.
People First Foundation Limited ATF People First Bank Foundation ABN 79 297 317 699. Registered under the Collections Act 1966 (QLD). People First Bank Foundation may be referred to as The Foundation across this website. The Foundation is not an authorised deposit-taking institution and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Heritage and People’s Choice Limited (People First Bank). People First Bank's support of the Foundation is limited to operational costs, donation amounts and in-kind employee and charity partner support.