
Foundation contribution helps flood-affected communities recover

8 September 2022

A generous $122,000 donation from the Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation has funded 110 requests for support from people and families who lost their homes in damaging storms and floods in Queensland and New South Wales earlier this year start the recovery process.

Areas of southern Queensland, northern NSW and further south were devastated by storms and floods in February and March, with many homes and businesses lost.

With the help of Heritage Bank, its staff and members, the Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation raised $122,000 to help those hit hard by the floods. That money was provided to national non-profit organisation GIVIT, who matched donors wanting to help with those desperately in need.

GIVIT has provided details on how this money was distributed to those impacted by the storms and floods, and the funds were used to purchase everyday essentials to help those who lost everything get back on their feet.

Some of the recipients included:

  • Providing essential grocery items for those attending a Northern Rivers based Evacuation and Recovery Centre;
  • Buying a fridge and freezer for a family in Lismore who lost everything in the flood and were rescued from their rooftop, and then lost their mother to a heart attack;
  • Purchasing a fridge and freezer for a household in Lismore who had their home destroyed but had worked tirelessly to help other households clean up their homes;
  • Providing fuel vouchers for a young man who had lived all of his 22 years in the same caravan park and was displaced. The fuel vouchers helped him get to a new job a few hours away as his previous workplace had also been affected by the floods, and many more stories of significant loss.

“We were all moved by the devastation that the floods earlier in the year caused in parts of Queensland and New South Wales,” Heritage Bank Charitable Foundation Executive Officer Paul Olds said.

“The Heritage Bank community wanted to help the people and communities hit so hard start to get back on their feet and knew they needed some essential items to aid the recovery process.

“We contributed to the GIVIT Storms and Flooding Appeal because GIVIT has a reputation for doing great work in getting those needing a hand exactly what they require, so we knew that was an efficient way of assisting.

“GIVIT has provided us with an acquittal report on how our contribution was used to help those in need, and while it was heartbreaking reading stories of the losses endured, it was heartening to know that we are able to play a small role in helping families and communities start to return to normal life.

“I want to thank Heritage Bank, its staff and members, as well as our Charitable Foundation supporters and GIVIT, for rallying to support those who had lost so much following the devastating floods.” 

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